In an S-curve, hug the insides of the bends so that your car can take a straighter path. The media files you download with must be for time shifting, personal, private, non commercial use only and remove the files after listening. It is illegal for you to distribute copyrighted files without permission. is not responsible for third party website content.

Don't make your turns sharp use your inertia to your advantage. To handle a hairpin you want to stay to the outside wall as you come into the turn, and then cut across the inside of the turn, and back to the outside along the other side. To make a sharp left, for example, you'd want to go to the right side of the road first, giving yourself room to cut across. The key to maintaining speed is to learn the best lines to handle turns, since you can't slide to turn on a dime. Need for Speed: Carbon gives you a pretty stable control, but there's not a lot of drift to it. This is not your usual powersliding Daytona USA affair, nor is it the uber-sim struggle to control your car that is TOCA. The most important thing to learn before hitting the road is how to use the game's physics to your advantage.